Did you ever wish that securing an IT service could be easier, faster and less costly?  Well now it can be.

The IV&V Group® has made it possible for you to selectively purchase specific IV&V service when  you need them.  Now you can have a critical document or process assessed without paying for services you neither need nor want.  In most cases you can do this within the limits of your P-Card or purchase order if you are in the private sector or with a Simplified Acquisition if you are in the Federal sector..

The IV&V Group’s® Critical Assessment Service makes it possible to purchase only the specific IV&V services you need.  Critical documents such as requirements documents, test plans or other system or software documents now can be selectively assessed and optimized using the IV&V Group’s ® Critical Document Assessment Services.  Properly used the Critical Document Assessment Service will provide the benefits and security of comprehensive IV&V in the most cost and time effective framework.  Your most critical documents will be “spot on” at the least cost as a result of The IV&V Group’s® proprietary standards-based methodology.

Or if you need to elicit requirements for acquisition purposes The IV&V Group’s® Critical Requirements Elicitation Service can not only insure you have included all the necessary categories (e.g., functional, security, performance, scalability, usability and more) but also that all requirements meet all the criteria for “good” requirements including testability.

Maybe your system or software engineering documents are not an issue but you have a critical process that needs to be instituted or maybe even improved.  The IV&V Group® can support you in improving your process whether it is configuration, quality or risk management with our Critical Process Assessment Service and you will be in harmony with the PMBOK and the CMMI.

Your documents and processes are critical for you to maintain your budget and your schedule.  The IV&V Group® should be your “go-to” IV&V resource because we are totally and exclusively focused on providing IV&V services.  We are committed to providing extraordinary customer service.  Our ground-breaking new portfolio of targeted services will prove to be the most cost and time effective way to insure the success of your development efforts.  Conformance to standards is a priority and The IV&V Group® brings a unique depth of knowledge and understanding based on our involvement in authoring many of the standards.

We can accept your purchase order and your P-Card. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.