An earlier blog described the Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) that one expects to find behind the correct door. This blog describes the skills and experience to expected from someone who claims to be an IV&V specialist. The verification and validation processes are technical p...

There are multiple ways to implement voluntary consensus standards within an organization.  Earlier posts introduced and then described a number of options including the Directive Model, the Project Model and the Consensus Model.  This post will describe the Hybrid Model.  In one organization the...

The IV&V Group®  has identified four models to  implement the OMB directive to use voluntary consensus standards (Circular A-119).  Last month we examined the Directive Model and in this blog we will examine the Project Model. This model is ideal for transitioning the organization to using v...

Are you one of those people who believe that you have to have a large development budget in order to retain a provider of independent verification (IV&V) services? Or are you one of those who believes that you have to execute an IV&V methodology throughout the entire development life cycle -...

It has been more than 10 years since The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued Circular A-119 (Revised) directing federal agencies to use voluntary consensus standards, both domestic and international, in its regulatory and procurement activities. This circular defined voluntary consensus sta...

Third of Series - The IV&V Group® envisions itself an educator as well as a provider of premier IV&V services. This is the third of a series that will help you articulate what you want in the way of IV&V services. Will never product a sildenafil generic years you blot redness cheap ...