Enabling IT Professionals To Perform More Effectively and Consistently

Vienna, Virginia….The IV&V Group® is pleased to announce that its President and CEO, Eva Freund, has been selected as a reviewer for the Enterprise ITBOK Guide, June 2014 draft version.

The IEEE Computer Society’s Guide to the Enterprise Information Technology Body of Knowledge is a compendium of high-level descriptions of knowledge areas that are generally required for the successful operation of information technology (IT) services provided to the enterprise served.  Enterprise IT is an overaching term that describes the work needed to plan, specify, enable, create, acquire, maintain, use, archive, retrieve, control and purge IT products and services.  These work activities overlap and interact with each other.

The Enterprise ITBOK Guide provides direction to commonly accepted:

  • Activities and best practices
  • Requisite knowledge
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Terminology

Standardization in these areas will help IT professionals perform more effectively and consistently. find domain name owner check broken links .